Five keys to safer food -->
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Five keys to safer food

Five keys to safer food

Five keys to safer food
Five keys to safer food

Keep clean
Wash your hands before handling food and often during food preparation.
Wash your hands after using the toilet, changing a baby, or having contact with animals.
Wash all surfaces and equipment used for food preparation or service very carefully.
Protect kitchens and food from insects, pests and other animals.
Separate raw and cooked foods
Separate raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood from other foods.
Use separate equipment and utensils, such as knives and cutting boards, to handle raw foods.
Store food in covered containers to avoid contact between raw and cooked foods.

Cook thoroughly
Cook foods thoroughly, especially meat, poultry, eggs, fish and seafood. For meat and poultry, make sure juices are clear and not pink.

Bring foods such as soups and stews to a boil.
Reheat cooked foods. Bring to boil or heat until it is too hot to touch. Stir while warming.

Keep foods at safe temperatures

Do not leave cooked foods at room temperature for more than two hours.
Do not store food too long, even in the refrigerator.
Do not thaw frozen foods at room temperature.
Foods for infants and young children, as well as other people with weak immune systems, should ideally be freshly prepared and not at all preserved after cooking.
Use clean water and food
Use clean water or treat it to make it healthy.

Choose fresh and healthy foods.

Do not use food beyond its expiry date.
Use pasteurized milk or boil the milk before using.
Wash fruits and vegetables in clean water, especially if they are eaten raw

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