Five strangest places on earth
We often look with amazement at the pictures that the US space agency NASA amazes us of the wondrous nature of other planets around us, such as Mars, Venus and Mercury, but the truth is that we do not need to go to these planets to see any wondrous views because there are places on Earth more than weird
Socotra Island Socotra Island
Do not think that you see pictures from another planet, or drawings of one of the ancient geological ages on the back of the Earth, but are contemporary footage of the island of Socotra (or Socotra), a Yemeni island located 350 km south of the Arabian Peninsula in the Indian Ocean, and scientists believe that it has separated About Africa six or seven million years ago
This wondrous island contains more than 700 rare animal and plant specie
Salar de Uni - Bolivia - Feel like you are walking on the sky
If you go to this magical place, you will feel like you are dreaming because this place has the largest desert of salt in the world! What makes it more magical is the presence of a thin layer of water on top of this salt, which gives an amazing reflection of everything around you: the largest salt desert in the world, above this salt a thin layer of water, you must try to visit this island somedayKliluk Lake - Canada and Kililuk Lake - Canada
With the warming of the sun, the water of Kliluk Lake evaporates to produce a group of circles that express the lake's mineral content in the form of surprising gradients, as this lake contains the highest concentration in the world of magnesium, phosphate, sulfur and calcium
It is a wonderful therapeutic combination that made this lake a spa for treatment since ancient times. The Native Americans used it in the past in treating chronic diseases to the point that one of the accounts says that two warring tribes signed an agreement during their war to allow the wounded to be transported to this lake without harming them! Water evaporation when the temperature rises The strange shape that is formed as a result of evaporation of water
Dry Valleys - Antarctica
You feel in this place as if you are on another planet, as these valleys of barren land that are scattered with pebbles are similar to Mars, the wonderful landscapes you see in this region have almost no snow, and also you see a frozen lake with a thickness of several meters, under this snow and deep Mysterious organisms in salt water are the subjects of ongoing research.
Rio Tinto - Spain The Rio Tinto River
Do not think that we are on the red planet (Mars), we are still on planet Earth, but we are in Riointo, Spain. It is an area full of mines that have spread to the point that it swallows the entire area
The name of the region is taken from the name of the Rio Tinto River, which is distinguished by its bright red color because its waters are highly acidic and rich in minerals.